Working From Home

So, I don’t necessarily “work from home”.  I DO work on my nonprofit from home.  I don’t consider that “work” though.
However, I have been doing that for several years now and am pretty comfortable with it.

The thing is, during the current corona virus/Covid-19 situation, I know a ton of folks have suddenly been thrust into this “work from home” world.  For some it is no big deal, but for others it is quite an adjustment.

And…I am not just talking about the parents who have been thrust into this world, but all the teachers!  Oh my…I know that is a challenge; suddenly trying to teach, (while keeping them engaged) a bunch of restless, easily distracted students.  My hat goes off to you all!  Oh, but I feel for you too, Mom & Dad. LOL  I know you are saying to yourself “I did NOT sign up for this!” LOL  But, I am betting your kids’ teachers will be getting some very nice holiday gifts this year, right? LOL It is the LEAST we can do, now that we know what our teachers go through.

Back to the folks who are suddenly free from the cubicle, but now trying to maintain focus, participate on video and conference calls, and continue to be productive, all while kids and spouses are under foot.  Even with a dedicated work space it can be incredibly difficult to keep work and family separated.

How are you handling it all?  Have you been able to adjust or are you still

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